Hi!! My name is Kim Kenny and I'm a Christian Weight Loss Mindset Coach

I help Christian women, who are fed up with riding the yoyo diet rollercoaster, Ditch the Diet and E.A.T. - Energize, Abide, Transform - so that they can lose weight without feeling deprived and keep it off forever!

How is my program different than all the others?

I’ve been through the same things you’re going through! I understand what it’s like to desperately need to lose weight! I get what it’s like to know it has to come off, but being overwhelmed at how long it will take. I tried all the diets and nothing ever seemed to stick long term. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong!

And then I ended up in the hospital in the ICU for 8 days, with oxygen levels at 60% and being put on bipap. I knew that my eating habits were slowly killing me. I was missing out on doing the things I used to enjoy because it was just too painful and because I had trouble catching my breath.

When I got home, I went on a quest to find the “perfect” diet! I saw a dietitian, a nutritionist, a naturopath, I went to Weight Watchers. All of them were great programs, but I just couldn’t stick to them! Something was missing!

And then I found health coaching! I went back to school and got my certification and everything just clicked for me. I found the missing link! I found the reason why 98% of people who lose weight will gain it back again!

I went from being 330+ pounds and on $200 worth of medication every month to losing 86 pounds so far and healing my body with nutrition. My doctor is amazed at the transformation and has taken me off all my meds!

So now I’m teaching other women the approach that I’ve taken…the same approach that is working for countless women that work with me who are reaching goals that they’ve only been dreaming of!

Still not sure?

Book a call with me and let’s talk about how I can help you Ditch the Diet and E.A.T. (Energize, Abide, Transform), so that you can lose weight for the last time and live the Fab, Fit and Free life you desire…and deserve!

Check out some client testimonials here

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